We spoke to DJs, both full time and part time, to gauge how they were thinking about their “comeback” in a post-pandemic world.
Jay Roberts: If I could sell my entire setup I’d do it today.
DJ Paols Rendon: We haven’t closed up, the government has closed us up. Pointless trying to sell gear. Who’s going to buy it?
Electric Entertainment, with DJ E: Just need to accommodate clients’ demands and work with the venue (e.g. don’t touch everything).
Henry Richard: Gonna hang tight after the election this all gonna go away
Mark Williams: I have a real job, so the DJ thing is something I don’t really depend on. My gear will sit where it is until I start getting calls, when and if doesn’t really matter to me. Been there and don’t recommend it, even in good times. DJing is not a serious career choice. you took the words right out of my mouth bud, Dave Edwards
Kevin Strack: After more than 20 years.. yup.. this is my last year.
Dave Edwards: In the past if you weren’t a full time DJ, others would look at you like you were an amateur or a bottom feeder. It’s situations like this that makes me appreciate that I can have a day job that pays the bills and a DJ career that fills my need to keep a crowd jumping.
Jarritt Brantley: I’ve been a full time DJ and entertainer for the past 22 yrs. This is the first time that I haven’t drawn a paycheck. I’m 49 yrs old and need to look out for my family. Hard part is that no one is willing to take on a 49 y/o for a new career. I’ve got a lot of experience in almost everything but everyone looks at age. It’s sad.
Craig Shipley: It’s made me realize that I don’t miss it at all. So it’ll just be close friends/family Gigs, and Festivals for me now. Plus I’m in the top bracket for shielding, and the less I can have drunken punters spraying my face with requests the better.
Stephen P. Munger: Not gonna close up shop but there will be a bunch of changes for sure. This is that point in my career where I say to myself “Raise prices and Do Less events per year.” DJing in clubs may not be a wise career choice, but working private events is.