We hope you are all well and healthy. As always, it is our promise to keep our community engaged and updated on the reimagined DJ Expo.
Team DJX has just returned from Atlantic City and along with the change of season, we are excited about our move back to The Boardwalk.

Some highlights of our time there:
Attendee Focused:
We are working closely with the city itself to promote and market DJX
• We are working with restaurants and local retailers to offer discounts during DJX
• We are expanding our educational offering to be more inclusive
• We are working with local social influencers to develop features around DJX, exhibitors and attendees
• We are creating plans to engage the future DJ and increase attendance
• We are developing an “Attendee Ambassador” program to promote the show
DJX Onsite:
An exciting, massive upgrade in the look and feel of the DJX
• Established a “Safe & Sound” health and safety protocol (more on this to follow)
• Developing our DJX “After Dark” experiences and evening events
• Looking at opportunities to feature both brands at the property
• In discussions with the city to develop a future “festivalization” or DJ WEEK in Atlantic City
• We look forward to seeing you at DJX, and as always we encourage you to share your thoughts and open to work with you to customize and evolve the DJX experience.
We look forward to seeing you at DJX, and as always we encourage you to share your thoughts and open to work with you to customize and evolve the DJX experience.
For the very latest on DJ Expo, please visit www.thedjexpo.com.
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