I’m a long-time fan of in-ear monitors, or IEMs. I like the way they sound, and I like the passive noise reduction and the potential hearing-safety benefits. But some of the challenges of using them in a mobile DJ environment can include handling requests from guests, taking direction from a wedding planner, and other situations where you need to speak with someone during your set. Or for the club jock, hear the response from your crowd — IEMs don’t just sweep away like a pair of conventional, over-the-ear, can-style headphones. Until now.
ASI Audio recently introduced a solution that can help, and they call it 3DME. It’s a three-part combo of IEMs, a body pack and amplifier, and an Android-app for configuration. But the real key for DJs is the integration of microphones in the IEMs to provide ambient sound. I tried them and liked the result.
Watch the video for more details, and if you’re intrigued, know that ASI Audio is providing a rebate on the 3DME system through late June. Visit asiaudio.com for more information.
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